As mentioned in an earlier post, Miss Stella Margaux was a SuperBowl Baby (conceived the night the Broncos won SuperBowl 50!). Her original due date was November 11, 2016. Her dad and I were thrilled when we heard this. Why? Because we are big cheese balls!
Well, November 11 came and went. Boy, did we try everything to induce labor. Spicy food, bumpy car rides, sex, massage and nothing was getting Stella to come. I was miserable, my comfort level was negative 10 and I was working all the way up until I had her. I went in for monitoring November 16 and my doctor suggested an induction for that Friday. I was so opposed to getting induced. I had taken natural child birthing classes, studied hypno birthing and natural labor and everything said induction was bad. I was terrified, but the doctor was worried Stella was too big and I would have to have a C-Section if I waited any longer. So I scheduled the induction for Friday, November 18 at 7pm. Silly me thought I would have Stella by Saturday morning. Well... that didn't happen.
My cervix just didn't want to ripen I was only at 1 cm dilation when I got there on Friday night and by Saturday morning, maybe 2.5 cm. When you get induced you are not allowed to eat, you have to lay in bed the entire time, you have an IV and monitors on your belly so you can barely move. I got no sleep and was completely exhausted and defeated on Saturday morning when I was told I was only at 2.5cm. I was allowed to have a quick meal and shower before they tried something new. Saturday was probably the second longest day of my life and then 10:30pm hit. Oh my did labor hit! I wanted to try to go "natural" from there. So I opted out of the epidural. The Anesthesiologist kind of laughed at me during check-in saying that I should just sign the paper because most women get the epidural in the end. Well, that wasn't very supportive but I signed the darn release anyway.
I labored how I wanted, in a bath tub, eating popsicles, on an exercise ball. I tried everything and was doing ok managing the pain. Still no water break and I was only at 8cm by 7am. I was getting ready to go through a nurse change and my nurse suggested that I get my water broken. My doctor, however, didn't want to do it. But I liked the nurse better, so I had the doctor break my water. It was very traumatizing. That is when my husband waived the white flag. He just couldn't see me in that much pain anymore. I felt relieved when he told me I should get the epidural. I don't know why I felt I needed his approval, but it definitely helped make my decision easier.
After saying I wanted the epidural, it was chaos. There were probably 15 people in my room all working to get the epidural in as soon as possible. The Anesthesiologist who administered my epidural was so amazing. He told me that I shouldn't let anyone Mommy shame me and that I deserved to be comfortable. He also told me I would need the rest so that I could push little Stella out. I was able to take a 2 hour nap and woke up to the doctor telling me it was time to start pushing. This was a huge relief, I was so ready to welcome my little one! After 2 hours of pushing, with inconsistent contractions, Stella Margaux arrived. Being a Mom is the best feeling ever.
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Well, November 11 came and went. Boy, did we try everything to induce labor. Spicy food, bumpy car rides, sex, massage and nothing was getting Stella to come. I was miserable, my comfort level was negative 10 and I was working all the way up until I had her. I went in for monitoring November 16 and my doctor suggested an induction for that Friday. I was so opposed to getting induced. I had taken natural child birthing classes, studied hypno birthing and natural labor and everything said induction was bad. I was terrified, but the doctor was worried Stella was too big and I would have to have a C-Section if I waited any longer. So I scheduled the induction for Friday, November 18 at 7pm. Silly me thought I would have Stella by Saturday morning. Well... that didn't happen.
My cervix just didn't want to ripen I was only at 1 cm dilation when I got there on Friday night and by Saturday morning, maybe 2.5 cm. When you get induced you are not allowed to eat, you have to lay in bed the entire time, you have an IV and monitors on your belly so you can barely move. I got no sleep and was completely exhausted and defeated on Saturday morning when I was told I was only at 2.5cm. I was allowed to have a quick meal and shower before they tried something new. Saturday was probably the second longest day of my life and then 10:30pm hit. Oh my did labor hit! I wanted to try to go "natural" from there. So I opted out of the epidural. The Anesthesiologist kind of laughed at me during check-in saying that I should just sign the paper because most women get the epidural in the end. Well, that wasn't very supportive but I signed the darn release anyway.
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After saying I wanted the epidural, it was chaos. There were probably 15 people in my room all working to get the epidural in as soon as possible. The Anesthesiologist who administered my epidural was so amazing. He told me that I shouldn't let anyone Mommy shame me and that I deserved to be comfortable. He also told me I would need the rest so that I could push little Stella out. I was able to take a 2 hour nap and woke up to the doctor telling me it was time to start pushing. This was a huge relief, I was so ready to welcome my little one! After 2 hours of pushing, with inconsistent contractions, Stella Margaux arrived. Being a Mom is the best feeling ever.
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