5 Reasons I Waited to Write my Second Post


I have no complaints about my life. I am happy. But everyone struggles from time to time and I think I have a pretty good reason to struggle right now. My husband and I both work for the same University so we commute together. There are many positives and negatives about commuting to work with your partner, I'll save that for another post. We take our daughter to daycare 15 minutes in the opposite direction each day and then rush to work in Denver rush hour traffic. Our morning commute is roughly an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes. We choose this life. To commute in Denver is normal. Home prices within the city limits are outrageous, so the suburbs it is! Any who, I spend roughly 10 hours per week in the car alone. Needless to say, I had competing priorities. 

Going back to work 
I started back to work on January 23. That was only 10 weeks after I had my precious Stella. It was rough, emotional, but not as bad as I thought it would be. After having Stella, I got my placenta encapsulated (again, I'll talk more about this in another post) and I think these little pills actually helped with my transition back to work. My husband also took off time after I went back, it was 10x easier leaving her with him than popping her in DayCare right away. 

I work full-time, that is 40+ hours a week. I often bring work home with me, but it has to get done and 40 hours per week just isn't enough time. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, but it can be rough to be a full-time mom and have a full-time career. And yes, I consider myself a full-time mom even though I'm not a stay-at-home mom. Needless to say, when I got home at night I was spending every waking moment with my sweet little girl. 

She has the best Daddy!

Finished Grad School 
I was planning to finish graduate school in October before Stella was born. With a new job, starting 3 new employees, and getting ready for Stella's arrival, I just didn't have the time to write and finish my capstone. Let me tell you, it was so hard finding the motivation and concentration to finish. I did it though and finished in March. My husband and I will both graduate in May, YAY!!


Not sure who was listening... or cared.
Why do people even write blogs? After I wrote my first post, I didn't tell anyone, not even my husband. It was like I kept it a nice little secret for myself. It felt good to write my first post. Do I even care if I create a following? Nope. I'm doing this for myself. As mentioned in my first post, I'd love to connect women just like me. It's hard moming and adulting. Also it feels good to be able to write things down, so I think of this as my public journal. 

I was Traumatized 
Let's be real, labor and delivery is no walk in the park. I was seriously traumatized after my experience. I took several classes, read books and articles but still wasn't prepared for that. I'm not sure a woman can be prepared until it happens. Part of me wanted to never look back, but then I look down at my little sweetie pie and realize all that pain was worth it. She truly has made me a stronger person and one day, I will be able to thank her for that. In future posts I will talk about my birth plan and decisions made before, during and after Stella. 
The beginning of the rest of our life

Those are my reasons why I waited... I look forward to sharing more of my journey to motherhood and beyond! 
